Via Emptywheel: 1/...

Via Emptywheel: 1/...

Aside from hour improper this is and the likelihood that it'll work, if the appointment thing works, then Hunter Biden's far better appointment claim gets fast-tracked.

Hugo Lowell:

New: Judge in classified case accepts two amicus briefs filed by Trump-adjacent lawyers that may be of considerable help re Trump motions to dismiss ominous for Special Counsel. 1st says NARA referral flawed and 2nd says improperly appointed.

The coup leader/rapist/fraud is blocking a bipartisan border reform bill this month that wouldve provided billions for our border security. He blocked it.

The entire GOP has bent the knee and given allegiance to a man who is charged with , adjudicated fraud, adjudicated rapist, bragged about grabbing women by the genitals, engaged in numerous adulterous affairs, was held liable for sexually assaulting a woman, and is proud of helping kill Roe v Wade.

Republicans are weak and in profound moral collapse.

Anyone ever wonder if the at were shared with foreign leaders who want back in office

rayons ouverts : le numro 111 de la revue de BAnQ a pour thme  Sciences et savoirs . Ce numro captivant peut tre consult en ligne et sa version papier peut tre obtenue la Grande Bibliothque (niveau 1, secteur Bibliothque nationale). Les numros prcdents de cette revue gratuite peuvent aussi tre consults en ligne.

Set Thursday Deadline Before Release of

Judge Delay McTrumpTool does it again.

NBC: Just before 3 p.m., Judge adjourned court for the day, with no date set for the start of a trial in the classified case.

just admitted that they use customer ( we send them) to train

Judge Cannon is pointing and laughing.

Via Kyle Griffin: 1/...

Breaking: Special counsel wants 's classified case in to go to trial on July 8.

Via former CIA attorney Secrets and Laws:

In just a few hours, we'll see DOJ's & 's competing schedule proposals in the MAL case.

Look for DOJ to push back the trial date just slightly, likely proposing a June/July trial date.

Look for Trump to say he can't propose a date until 80 bajillion things are resolved.

Via Kyle Cheney:

Judge will permit a lawyer for a coalition of media outlets to present argument tomorrow on issues related to access/sealing of case filings.

+ s for

He faces four counts of of a , four counts of criminal possession of , and a count of to commit a .

And howd I miss this one Thats 2.

Via Andrew Weissmann:

Judge 's ruling is correct & obvious & avoids her getting reversed for 3rd time by the 11th Cir. Predict she will also reverse herself on full disclosure of witness names/statements (for same reason). Many more motions for her to decide...

Mueller, She Wrote:

Judge Cannon has GRANTED s motion to keep classified discovery from Nauta and DeOliveira.

Just Joke Documents

New video up.

The surprising of internal from in reveals that under the likely supervision of the at least two in ,working with or about ,have been targeted. I didn't know that our and is so important to the .

Via Kyle Cheney:

JUST IN: cites the Hur Report to argue that 's handling of classified was significantly more aggravated/willful than Joe Biden's.

de et d : Pour que dposer une demande de ou de didentit ne relve plus des travaux d


Heads up.

Via Anna Bower:

Judge Scott McAfee has set a date to hear argument on the motion to disqualify from prosecuting the RICO case against Trump and others.

Hearing set for March 1 at 1 p.m.

As with most Fulton County proceedings, the hearing will be live-streamed.

ADDED: Via Katie Phang:

The Scheduling Conference in the MAL case is also scheduled for March 1 at 1 pm...


s lawyers have filed several motions to dismiss the classified case in , citing, among other things, presidential immunity and arguing special counsel was unlawfully appointed.

show for based in if wins a second term

Close of the an

New video up.

"This is objectively correct.Trump is the very worstthe actual bottom of the barrelof the human beings our country has birthed.You can tell me that he is tied with some others ...Manson, Dahmer, and but as a Trump biographer Im not going to have any difficulty arguing that no one *exceeds* Trump in being despicable. Keep in mind that the death toll from his actions during the pandemic will never be equaled by any serial killer or terrorist because it would be logistically impossible." s.a.

He is responsible for the death of many thousands of Americans.

Donald Trump is a horrid, malignant, narcissistic sociopath. Hes one of the worst exemplars of the human species Ive ever witnessed. Period.

Prosecuting Julian Assange gives the green light for countries all around the world to protect their government secrets by unjustly charging international reporters or editors with crimes


The word "archive" is derived from the French "archives," which in turn comes from the Late Latin "archivum" and the Greek "ta arkheia."

The Greek term originally referred to the home or dwelling of the Archon, a ruler or chief magistrate, in which important official state were filed and interpreted.


Via Kyle Cheney:

Judge has denied 's effort to postpone pretrial deadlines but says she'd consider late-filed matters if they can show they're necessary.

The full never came to fruition, in large part because the conspirators didn't get enough buy-in from then-Vice President Mike Pence and other key Republican leaders.

But the newly revealed are a chilling reminder that the violence of the Capitol insurrection was just a small part of what was a vast, sweeping to steal the 2020 election from President Joe Biden and the voters who elected him.

This matters, because "January 6" has become a shorthand for an attempted that, in actuality, lasted for two months and across multiple states.

There's a real danger that the on January 6 is eclipsing the public's understanding of all the events and crimes that led up to QAnon idiots storming the Capitol. 

Via Brandon Van Grack:

During the Super Bowl, DOJ filed a motion in Mar-a-Lago case requesting permission to reply to defs' reply to support their motion to compel discovery. DOJ alleges procedural error: defs improperly raised a new claim that discovery is warranted based on selective prosecution

is expected to be in attendance Monday in when Judge Aileen presides over a hearing in his classified case in which attorneys will address issues surrounding the classified materials in question.

The hearings will be under seal & held in a SCIF -- a specially-equipped secure room for viewing highly classified materials -- located in Fort Pierce, Florida

Via Roger Parloff:

Quick update on tense dispute between Judge & govt in USA v (MaL): ln trying to persuade Cannon to reconsider her order last week to unseal identities of >24 participants in probe, including some witnesses & their statements ...

I feel like this should be "Breaking News!"

Jack Smith Files "Motion for Reconsideration and Stay' - regarding Cannon's ruling(s) about classified evidence - either not knowing, or making up, law.

This seems to have been gotten lost in the news/noise mix ...

Jack Smiths ready to go and is tired of Cannons obstruction and disregard for (actual) law!

1/Via Joyce Vance:

This is how you set up an appeal.

Kyle Cheney:

Special counsels office is pleading with Judge to reverse to recent unsealing decisions they say would identify two dozen witnesses an expose them to threats.

They say Cannons rulings were clear error defying 11th circuit precedent and would cause manifest injustice

Hur's agenda

"Hur, who was appointed by Trump to be the U.S. Attorney in Maryland, claimed Biden saw himself as a historic figure and collected papers and artifacts along the way so he could write about his career. He details Bidens disagreements with Obama over Afghanistan policyabsolutely unnecessary

and certainly beyond the bounds of what DOJ makes public when it declines to indict a case."

Unlike Trump, No Charges in Biden Classified Documents Case
thead id="30587"

"If Trump had cooperated with the Department of Justiceinstead of lying to investigators, again and againhe might have avoided at least some of the 91 criminal charges currently pending against him," said Rep. Jerry Nadler.

Special Counsel Robert Hur concluded that "no criminal...

Biden is making a speech on the documents investigation tonight.

Any minute.

Via Anna Bower:

After moved to extend pre-trial deadlines in the classified case, files a scathing response.

The defendants will stop at nothing to stall the adjudication of the charges against them by a fair and impartial jury of citizens, the special counsel writes.

Mike Reader


Special counsel: Biden's classified document mishandling doesn't warrant charges

The special counsel investigating President Joe Biden's handling of classified documents has concluded that no criminal charges are warranted. He added that they wouldn't be even if the Department of Justice didn't have a policy barring the prosecution of sitting presidents.

Special counsel: Bidens classified document mishandling doesnt warrant charges

The special counsel investigating President Joe Bidens handling of classified documents has concluded that no criminal charges are warranted. He added that they wouldnt be even if the Department of Justice didnt have a policy barring the prosecution of sitting presidents.

Chinese textiles